Project Information:
TELUS team has designed a system that accommodates data entry and reporting in a clear, concise and comprehensive manner.

Project Tracking:
TELUS keeps track of the status of transportation projects from initial planning and design through construction.

Budget and Financial Management:
To track the allocation of financial resources among projects, TELUS includes budget and financial management modules.

Project Queries:
All transportation projects, including those being considered as well as local projects not included in the TIP/STIP but important to decisions about the transportation network, can be viewed or printed.

Geographic Information System (GIS):
The TELUS GIS module is included to give the user a spatial perspective of the TIP or STIP in relation to other transportation layers, such as roads, rail lines, land use, etc.

TELUS provides preformatted reports that the MPO/SDOT can use. This module allows the user to view, edit, and create reports.

The customization module allows each MPO to tailor TELUS to their unique needs. This feature helps to reduce the time required for data entry, minimize errors, and increase the overall effectiveness of the TELUS System.

TELUS provides three levels of security. At the lowest level, the users group can only view project information. The second level, the managers group, can view and edit project information. At the highest level, the admins group can view and edit project information, customize TELUS, and manage user accounts.

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