Project Scoring Module:
The selection of projects for inclusion in the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) is one of the major processes undertaken by metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and other agencies. The scoring module in TELUS is designed to aid in this process.
Project Interrelationships Module:
TELUS provides users with the capability of identifying and reviewing potential relationships among transportation projects. Potential interrelationships can be identified for projects in the TIP and projects under consideration for inclusion in the TIP, as long as they are included in the TELUS database.
Planning Analysis Module:
While the project-scoring module scores each project on a variety of factors, the planning-analysis module assesses the extent to which each type of project meets each of the SAFETEA-LU planning objectives. This module scans all projects and calculates the percentage of projects and total dollars addressing each of the objectives.
Economic (Input-Output) Module:
An important objective of TELUS is to provide local government officials with information on the regional economic impact of transportation projects; and the TELUS IO model allows users to do just that, estimating and displaying associated job, income, and fiscal impacts of a selected project or projects.
Land-Use Model:
The Land-Use model is an integrated interactive system that can be used to assist in evaluating the effects of a region's planned transportation improvement projects. It may also be used to make long term forecasts of a region's spatial patterns as well as to produce forecasts to be used as input to the air quality estimates required by federal legislation.