> management features > project information

In most data-management programs, inputting information can be a tedious and time-consuming exercise. TELUS makes it quick and easy! The TELUS team knows the types of data with which MPOs/SDOTs deal, and it has designed a system that accommodates data entry and reporting in a clear, concise and comprehensive manner. With its graphical interface, even a novice can input data if the information is available.

Examples of project data:

- Project Number
- Brief Project Description
- Type of Project (e.g., Bridge Rehabilitation, etc.)
- Project Limits (From/To)
- EIS/Air-Quality Status
- County, Municipality, District
- Phase of Work, Budget, Funding Source By Year
- Lead Agency and Contact.

Not all fields are required, but users are encouraged to input as much data as practicable to make maximum utilization of the system.

      University Heights | Newark, NJ 07102 | 973.596.5700 | telus@njit.edu