> platforms > TELUS for the Network > FAQ
When clicking on the TELUS icon, the following error message appears: "Can't open database C:\Progra~1\ TELUS_~1\TELUS.MDW. It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt."
This error arises when either MS Access 2000 or MS Access 2000 runtime is not installed in its default location. To correct, right-click on the TELUS shortcut icon and click on the Shortcut tab at the top of the properties window. The path to the TELUS program is located in the Target box. The path consists of the following three parts: the path to MS Access 2000 (or runtime), the path to the TELUS database, and the path to the security file. To correct the error, simply replace the default path to MS Access 2000 with the correct path on your machine.
After installing TELUS, what should you do when the dialog box pops up saying, "Couldn't reattach table Categories"?
MS Access is looking to link the respective database files for starting the application. If you have selected a stand alone option, use the Look in: box in the dialog box , browse and find the "Customize.mdb" from the Telus Installation Directory and double click on it or open it. This will link the respective files.If you have gone in for the Network installation, you need to browse and open the following files:Customize.mdb & GIS_TELUS.mdb from Server installation directory, GIS_LTELUS.mdb from Client installation directory.
University Heights | Newark, NJ 07102 | 973.596.5700 | telus@njit.edu